
Mae’r Cyngor Llyfrau’n gorff cenedlaethol, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, sy’n ganolbwynt i’r diwydiant cyhoeddi yng Nghymru. Mae’n darparu nifer o wasanaethau arbenigol (ym meysydd golygu, dylunio, marchnata a dosbarthu) gyda golwg ar wella safonau cynhyrchu a chyhoeddi llyfrau yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. Mae hefyd yn dosbarthu grantiau i gyhoeddwyr. Mae'n ymwneud llawer â hybu darllen a llythrennedd.


The Books Council of Wales is a national body, funded by the Welsh Government, which provides a focus for the publishing industry in Wales. It provides a number of specialist services (in the fields of editing, design, marketing and distribution) with a view to improving standards of book production and publication in both Welsh and English. It also distributes grants to publishers. The Books Council actively promotes reading and literacy in Wales.